@lohang !til : during the process of analyzing the # they used a platform called Global I-Hub, which is based on a social networking software called #

"Oxwall is designed for people who want to have a social network—in the form for user registration, one of the options we had to disable was “Are you looking for a male or for a female?” So…that we disabled, because of course it was a bit confusing! We repurposed it to use it for sharing and social networking around investigative reporting, and thanks to a grant from the Knight Prototype Fund, we improved the security around Oxwall and implemented two-step authentication on the I-Hub. "

"Everybody was using the platform to communicate and log in every day or several times every week and share the tips and exchange ideas, and when somebody found a cross-border connection… and one day a colleague of ICIJ in Spain was like, “Oh my god, I found Messi!” And everybody’s like “Oh my god, Messi!”